
ZO Skin Health

Endelig er foråret her for fuldt flor, og vi nyder lange dage ude. For at give dig lidt ekstra #zolove, har vi sammensat en kampagne hvor du får et ZO Getting Skin Ready kit Limited Edition når du køber ZO Firming Serum.  For nærmeste klinik klik her



ZO Getting Skin Ready er det første trin på vejen til en sund og mere ungdommelig hud. Det er et enkelt system som fungerer sammen for at normalisere huden og få bedst mulig effekt af anden ZO behandling. Den består af det enkelte princip «cleanse+exfoliate+tone».



Der er faktorer som påvirker huden der desværre er udenfor vores kontrol.  

Disse inkluderer genetik og hormonelle ændringer i tillæg til daglig  eksponering for blandt andet ultraviolet stråling og  miljøforurening. Denne påvirkning kan føre til ændring i hudens struktur,  funktion, tolerance og udseende – noget som bidrager til synlige tegn på aldring. 



Det første trin er at normalisere hudfunktionen med ZO Getting Skin Ready 

Til trods for den uundgåelige effekt af aldring er det muligt at bidrage til at huden  fungerer som den skal,  den bliver mere modstandsdygtig og holder sig sundere. 


Renseprodukter fra ZO® bidrager til at normalisere og klargøre huden gennem grundig rens.  


Eksfolierende produkter fra ZO® bidrager til at fremme hudfornyelsen, øge blodcirkulationen og skånsomt fjerne døde hudceller.  


Talgkontrollerende pads eller toner fra ZO® for at kontrollere talgproduktionen, genoprette pH-værdien, lindre tør hud og forminske porer. 



Et 8 ugers klinisk studie af ZO Getting Skin Ready er publiceret i «Journal of Drugs in Dermatology». Studiet viste at ZO Getting Skin Ready systemet gav patienterne en mere fugtet, klarere, jævnere og blødere hud med mere glød efter bare 8 ugers brug.   

Studiet viste følgende statistisk signifikante resultater: 

  • 41% af patienterne fik reduktion af talg i løbet af 4 uger (målt med Sebumeter)  
  • 31% fik reduktion i porestørrelsen (målt med Visia CR System) 
  • 46% fik en forbedret hudtekstur (målt med Visia CR System) 
  • Patienterne selv oplevede at de fik en klarere, blødere hud med mindre rødme og talg. 


ZO Firming Serum blev lanceret for lidt over et år siden og den er blevet en klar favorit hos mange.  ZO Firming Serum benyttes morgen og aften efter ZO Getting Skin Ready for bedst mulig effekt.  Serummet har en ny innovativ teknologi som styrker ankerfibrillene der knytter dermis og epidermis sammen.  På denne måde bidrager serummet til en fastere hudstruktur.  Samtidig forbedres hudens elasticitet. ZO Firming Serum er specielt formuleret for at stimulere til en fastere og strammere hud med en mere defineret ansigtskontur. 


Effekten af ZO Firming Serum er dokumenteret i et uafhængigt 3. parts klinisk studie over 24 uger.  

  • 97% af deltagerne fik en fastere hud efter 12 uger. 
  • 93% fik en strammere hud efter 12 uger 
  • 86% mente at de havde en sundere hud efter 8 uger. 



Når du køber ZO Firming Serum i mai, får du et ZO Getting Skin Ready kit med gratis. For nærmeste klinik klik her

Watch our Total Eye 3-in-1 SPF 35 instantly brighten and correct ✨ 

It doesn’t stop there—This formula also visibly improves the appearance of dark circles, puffiness, fine lines, and wrinkles while protecting the delicate eye area against photoaging with all-mineral SPF 35.

Watch our Total Eye 3-in-1 SPF 35 instantly brighten and correct ✨

It doesn’t stop there—This formula also visibly improves the appearance of dark circles, puffiness, fine lines, and wrinkles while protecting the delicate eye area against photoaging with all-mineral SPF 35.

These results are a real eye opener 👀

After just 4 weeks of using Total Eye® 3-in-1 SPF 35, 97% of people reported their eyes looked and felt more rejuvenated. Try it and see for yourself—Tap to shop!

These results are a real eye opener 👀

After just 4 weeks of using Total Eye® 3-in-1 SPF 35, 97% of people reported their eyes looked and felt more rejuvenated. Try it and see for yourself—Tap to shop!

When we say everything SPF, we mean EVERYTHING.

Which all-mineral protector is your favorite? 👇

When we say everything SPF, we mean EVERYTHING.

Which all-mineral protector is your favorite? 👇

Friendly reminder 😊

Friendly reminder 😊 ...

Powerful protection that evens your complexion. ✨

@heleneebel wears our Tint Du Soleil SPF 30 Whipped Foundation to protect skin from environmental damage, replenish skin with ceramides and milk lipids, and boost collagen with peptides and a multi-vitamin complex.

Powerful protection that evens your complexion. ✨

@heleneebel wears our Tint Du Soleil SPF 30 Whipped Foundation to protect skin from environmental damage, replenish skin with ceramides and milk lipids, and boost collagen with peptides and a multi-vitamin complex.

Our Lip Shine SPF 35 is all three:

☀️ Sunscreen: All-mineral SPF 35 to protect
💧 Skincare: Peptides, hyaluronic acid, and Vitamin E to plump, hydrate, and condition.
💋 Makeup: A subtle pop of color and gloss finish to turn heads

Click the link in our bio to shop! 🛍️

Our Lip Shine SPF 35 is all three:

☀️ Sunscreen: All-mineral SPF 35 to protect
💧 Skincare: Peptides, hyaluronic acid, and Vitamin E to plump, hydrate, and condition.
💋 Makeup: A subtle pop of color and gloss finish to turn heads

Click the link in our bio to shop! 🛍️

@chloe.evelyn.skin’s favorite for a good reason 🏆

Colorescience Face Shield Flex is a great way to get quality broad-spectrum protection with the added benefit of tone-adapting coverage. 

“I use this daily instead of foundation and I’ve convinced many clients to to make the switch too!” 

Have you tried Face Shield Flex yet?

#knowbetterskin #colorescience #faceshieldflex #mineralsunscreen #mineralspf

@chloe.evelyn.skin’s favorite for a good reason 🏆

Colorescience Face Shield Flex is a great way to get quality broad-spectrum protection with the added benefit of tone-adapting coverage.

“I use this daily instead of foundation and I’ve convinced many clients to to make the switch too!”

Have you tried Face Shield Flex yet?

#knowbetterskin #colorescience #faceshieldflex #mineralsunscreen #mineralspf

Reasons we love Face Shield Bronze SPF 50:​​​​​​​​
☀️ SPF 50 / PA ++++​​​​​​​​
☀️ Hydrating and antioxidant-rich​​​​​​​​
☀️ Dermatologist tested, hypoallergenic, and non-comedogenic​​​​​​​​
☀️ Free of parabens, sulfates, phthalates, oil, dyes, and fragrance​​​​​​​​
☀️ Gives skin a natural sun-kissed glow​​​​​​​​
📷: @hudsalongenstockholm

Reasons we love Face Shield Bronze SPF 50:​​​​​​​​
☀️ SPF 50 / PA ++++​​​​​​​​
☀️ Hydrating and antioxidant-rich​​​​​​​​
☀️ Dermatologist tested, hypoallergenic, and non-comedogenic​​​​​​​​
☀️ Free of parabens, sulfates, phthalates, oil, dyes, and fragrance​​​​​​​​
☀️ Gives skin a natural sun-kissed glow​​​​​​​​
📷: @hudsalongenstockholm

How do you style your SPF? Here’s how @withsaj created a full look using our all-mineral sunscreen:

- Face Shield Glow SPF 50
- Face Shield Flex SPF 50
- Total Eye 3-in-1 SPF 35
- Color Balms SPF 50


How do you style your SPF? Here’s how @withsaj created a full look using our all-mineral sunscreen:

- Face Shield Glow SPF 50
- Face Shield Flex SPF 50
- Total Eye 3-in-1 SPF 35
- Color Balms SPF 50


Soft, whipped formula… Powerful skincare ingredients ✨​​​​​​​​
Our Tint du Soleil™ Whipped Mineral Foundation SPF 30 replenishes skin with ceramides and milk lipids that provide comforting hydration while collagen-building peptides and a multi-vitamin complex work to improve skin health.​​​​​​​​
📷: @lovelyskin

Soft, whipped formula… Powerful skincare ingredients ✨​​​​​​​​
Our Tint du Soleil™ Whipped Mineral Foundation SPF 30 replenishes skin with ceramides and milk lipids that provide comforting hydration while collagen-building peptides and a multi-vitamin complex work to improve skin health.​​​​​​​​
📷: @lovelyskin

Just a few reasons we love our Face Shield Glow SPF 50 💙


Just a few reasons we love our Face Shield Glow SPF 50 💙


Sheer Matte SPF 30 Brush ☀️ Powerful protection in a weightless, invisible formula. 

📸: @exclusivebeautyclub

Sheer Matte SPF 30 Brush ☀️ Powerful protection in a weightless, invisible formula.

📸: @exclusivebeautyclub

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